`Sorting with Style` Takes Elegant Approach To Business Office Supplies
Released on: October 3, 2008, 8:11 am
Press Release Author: PR Depot
Industry: Retail
Press Release Summary: Get ready to turn your office space into an oasis of inspiration with Sorting with Style, a new web-based company launching it's fashionable collection of stationery and organizing supplies - a refreshing approach to ordinary office products. The store boasts an inventory of decorative items that will allow your imagination to run wild.
Press Release Body: There are plenty of small things you can do to transform your office space into one that motivates and inspires you. The collections at Sorting with Style can offer you a wealth of options for taking your current workspace and bringing it back to life.
"Business Chic is NOT plastic pencil holders," says Owner and Founder, Sayeh M. Pezeshki, who has always had a passion for stationery and organizing supplies, and noticed finding things at "generic office supply chains" was simply not an option. Soon after, Sorting with Style was born.
Staying motivated when running your own business is one of the biggest challenges any owner or entrepreneur can face. Once your motivation is suffering, everything else tends to suffer with it, most importantly our inspiration and creativity. According to Pezeshki, Sorting with Style's collection of products were selected with one goal in mind, "to help create a better work environment that is not only beautiful but also motivating." With the increase of entrepreneurs and new businesses, the market for stylish accessories has opened wide.
Not only committed to inspiring others, Sorting with Style is also helping preserve the planet by offering a wide collection of eco-friendly items.
Sorting with Style, a woman-owned business, started as a part-time hobby, which eventually evolved into a thriving small business thanks to the need for stylish office supplies.
Web Site: http://www.sortingwithstyle.com
Contact Details: For more information contact: www.sortingwithstyle.com or Sayeh@sortingwithstyle.com